Text predictions in MS word

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People who are still using the Gmail to send mails would have known about the text prediction while composing the emails. This facility is completely optional and can be turned on or off. Now, Microsoft is bringing the Text predictions to Microsoft office suite.

How Text predictions will work?

As per Microsoft, this will predict the text as the user composes the document and will highlight the predicted text in grey. user can either accept the prediction by pressing Tab Key or can reject by using the Esc Key. They feel it will help the user to compose the document much faster and efficiently.

Last year, Microsoft rolled out the Text predictions feature to the users in Beta Channel and started collecting the feedback. This feature is completely optional and can be turned on or off from the menu. In the beginning, it may have some difficulty but as the time goes on, it will become more efficient with the AI technology adopting to new words and the pattern of typing.

Microsoft going to roll out this feature to the Microsoft outlook users laster this month. Users cans provide feedback by going to help menu and clicking on Feedback option.

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