South Korean Electronics major Samsung has launched 5G mobile Galaxy S20 FE 5G today in India. It can be bought from Amazon, Samsung websites from today itself. Originally priced at Rs.55,999, customers can avail discount of Rs.7000 today as introduction offer. It offered in three different colors, Cloud Navy, Cloud Mint and Cloud Lavender colours. Only negative point is for this price range, Battery seems to be weakest. It has in-screen finger print scanner which is norm at this price range.
Galaxy S20 FE 5G specifications
Display | 6.5-inch sAMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate and 240Hz touch sampling rate | |
Android Version | Android 11 based one UI 3.1 | |
Processor | Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 processor. | |
Rear | triple-camera setup on the back with 12-megapixel wide sensor, a 12-megapixel ultra-wide sensor, and an 8-megapixel telephoto sensor along with 32 mega pixel selfie camera. Camera supports 4K video Recording | |
Memory RAM + ROM (GB) | 8GB+128GB | |
Battery (mAh) | 4,500mAh battery with 25W fast charging with wireless 2.0 Charging | |
Colours | Cloud Navy, Cloud Mint and Cloud Lavender |