Telegram App – Beta Updates

Telegram App is continuously working on new features to the app so that user experience can be enhanced. In recent beta release ( Version 7.5.0 ), they have added multiple features like QR Code for Group invite, limiting invites life time etc. Once they are satisfied with the results, it will be rolled out to all the users of Telegram App.

QR Code for Group Invite and Time limited Invites

  1. Now you can generate QR code for telegram group invites and share across the people to join. They just need to scan the QR code. It will have tiny telegram logo in the middle of the QR Code
  2. This can be accessed via Group type settings option.
  3. You can find the next option that is setting the time limit for the group invites. You can control the number of days that link can be active and / or limit the number of users who can join using the link.

Telegram App

Report the content in Telegram App

While there is option to report the channel now available in Telegram App, they are providing option to report individual or multiple contents to the Telegram moderators. It will be a good thing moving forward as many users are migrating to the app and they need the content moderation to keep the app away from fake news. But how and what kind of actions they are going to take is not known at this point as there is no updte on that.

Widget Support

The next interesting option is widget support . You can select chats or channels to be part of the widget as shown in the screenshot below.

Teelgram App

Auto deleting messages

Group admins can now set the messages to delete or expire automatically. As of now it can be set to either 24 hours or 7 days. But once it roll out to all the users and they get feedback, there will be more flexibility in this regard.

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