Whatsapp Privacy Policy – May 15

Whatsapp, despite the backslash it has received across the globe ( Apart from EU) is going ahead and going to make the new privacy policy effective from May 15. Earlier, they received opposition from many of the whatsapp users in India and also from Indian government when they tried enforcing the new privacy policy from February.

After lakhs of the whatsapp viewer began to install alternate messaging platforms like Signal, Telegram and also to India made messenger service like “Arattai“, whatsapp stopped implementing the same. Couple of cases filed in Delhi High court against whatsapp. But now they are going to implement the new privacy policy effective May 15.

How privacy policy going to affect ?

As per Whatsapp, all the users have to agree to new privacy policy on or before 15th may 2021. In case if you choose to not agree, you will be still able to use the whatsapp for another 120 Days ( 3 months). But the features of whatsapp may be limited. After 120 days, if you still not agreed, your account will be removed and you will lose all your data. If you want again to use whatsapp you need to start again from Scratch.

Despite the repeated assurance from the Whatsapp, people remain sceptical with the way how they are adamant in enforcing it. This new update regarding the whatsapp privacy policy may force another round of exodus from whatsapp. Already millions are moving away from this messenger.

It is better if Whatsapp shelve this for their own good.

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